Lack of time or motivation putting Britons off getting healthy – poll

A lack of time and motivation are putting people off getting fit, a poll suggests. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) said these were some of the main barriers preventing people from making healthy changes to their diet and being more physically active. Other barriers include people not knowing where to start, a lack of confidence and feeling too tired. The cost of gym membership and food prices also appeared to put people off making healthier choices, the poll suggests. Almost a quarter (24%) said that nothing prevents them from eating healthily and being physically active. More than 2,000 UK…

Tips for Living Healthy if You Have Crohn’s

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques Although stress doesn’t cause Crohn’s disease, it can make it worse. In a study published in May 2020 in the journal PLoS One, 75 percent of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) reported that stress exacerbated symptoms of the disease. Try slow breathing, yoga, tai chi, meditation, or something else you find relaxing. Do what works for you, Nesco says. It could just be reading a book in a quiet place, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with friends and family. “The important thing is that it’s something you consistently want to do and…

Stress is killing your body and brain

How long you live is determined by everything from genetics to lifestyle choices. But one factor determining life expectancy has become glaringly obvious too: the toxic stress load. “It’s been hiding in plain sight for decades,” Tamen Jadad-Garcia and Dr. Alex Jadad, author of Healthy No Matter What: How Humans Are Hardwired to Adaptwrote in a TIME article. The toxic stress load (TSL) is two-fold. It refers to the physical and mental reactions people experience after stressful events, especially longer-term ones, coupled with the “allostatic load” or physical consequences from continuous toxic stress. “The TSL is the term that describes…