BBC Breakfast’s Sally Nugent wows fans in ‘truly amazing’ figure-hugging dress

SALLY Nugent left fans swooning this morning as she presented BBC Breakfast in a pale pink minidress. The beloved presenter and anchor, 51, brought viewers the latest news of the day during the flagship show. 2 Sally wowed BBC Breakfast viewers this morning with her stunning dresscredits: BBC 2 The journalist presented the flagship show alongside Jon Kaycredits: BBC Sally was presenting alongside her co-host Jon Kay, 53. Viewers were left swooning over the BBC star as she showed off her stunning figure. She wowed fans in a blush pink minidress which highlighted her healthy bronzed glow. Sally paired her…

Study Finds Muscles Send Chemical Signals to the Brain During Exercise

Share on PinterestWorking out can result in muscles sending chemical signals that can help the brain. David Prado/Stocksy New research shows how exercise promotes neuronal activity in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is an area of ​​the brain that is involved with the storage of long-term memory. The study’s findings suggest that chemical signals from contracting muscles may trigger a signaling pathway that boosts brain function and may help treat neurological disorders in the future. The next steps for research involve important clinical questions such as the types of exercise that are most effective – aerobic vs. anaerobic – and how…

The 10 best health insurance companies of 2023

Kaiser Permanente is the best US health insurance company in 2023, according to’s annual ranking. In the final 1 through 5 scores, 60 percent came from member survey results, 25 percent from NCQA quality ratings, and 15 percent from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, which tracks customer complaints against payers. The survey portion of the ranking was conducted in late 2022 and asked 1,500 customers about their health plans across multiple categories, including customer satisfaction, ease of service and policy offerings. Respondents were also asked to rank their insurer’s top three attributes out of more than a dozen…

‘Fat Talk’ author Virginia Sole-Smith explains how diet culture can hurt kids : Shots

By the time they entered kindergarten, most American children believed that being “thin” made them more valuable to society, writes journalist Virginia Sole-Smith. By middle school, Sole-Smith says, more than a quarter of kids in the US will have been put on a diet. Sole-Smith produces the newsletter and podcast Burnt Toastwhere she explores fatphobia, diet culture, parenting and health. In her new book, Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture, she argues that efforts to fight childhood obesity have caused kids to absorb an onslaught of body-shaming messages. “The chronic experience of weight stigma … is similar…

LDL drugs may be an alternative to statins

Statin drugs are the gold standard when it comes to reducing LDL, or ‘bad’ cholesterol, but many patients at risk for heart disease refuse to take them because of severe side effects, such as muscle pain or weakness. An alternative medication, bempedoic acid, significantly lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks, as well as reducing the need for a procedure that unblocks clogged arteries, according to a large clinical trial presented Saturday at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology. The research was published Saturday in the New England Journal of Medicine. “Statins are the cornerstone of…

Should You Be Concerned About Arsenic in Rice?

Arsenic-based pesticides have been used in agricultural practices for many years, and, accordingly, soils and groundwater in the US are contaminated with varying levels of arsenic. Because arsenic exists in soil and water, it finds its way into our food supply. And nearly all foods contain some level of arsenic. What Foods Have the Most Arsenic? Studies show that most of the arsenic in the American diet comes from meat, milk, poultry, pork, eggs and seafood. Poultry is the worst offender. Some chickens exceed the EPA safety limit for arsenic by 2,000%. Meat and poultry are high in arsenic because…

I Don’t Have an Estate Plan…Right?

Whether or not you have a written estate plan, you do have an estate plan. The laws of the state in which you reside will make decisions about your estate if you do not have a written plan. We can help you stay on top of the latest news that affects your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog click here). If you don’t have a written estate plan, it is essential to know what the intestacy laws of your state are so that you know what will happen to your assets if you…

unveiling the possible health-boosting powers of leaf and sheath extracts

In a recent study published in the Antioxidants journal, researchers explored the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of bamboo leaves (BL) and sheaths (BS). Study: Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Leaves and Sheath from Bamboo (Phyllostacys edulis J. Houz). Image Credit: ListyDwi/ background Phyllostacys edulis J. Houz, commonly known as bamboo, belongs to the subfamily Bambusoideae of the Poaceae family and holds significant economic value. Research on natural plant compounds’ anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties has gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential applications in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Bamboo leaf extracts have been found to…