The FDA is redefining ‘healthy,’ and the food industry is pushing back

Comment on this storyComments It’s been right there on the label for more than 30 years. Healthy Choice frozen meals and entrees have been a go-to for people in a rush who want to eat something convenient but seems good for them. Chicken parm, sweet and sour chicken — microwaves around the country are humming with them right now. The brand represents 60 percent of sales of all products labeled as “healthy” in the market today, with more than 200 million meals sold last year. But the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to update the current definition of “healthy” may…

Sweeteners may damage DNA and increase cancer risk

A new study finds that a type of common sweetener can damage your DNA. The zero-calorie sweetener in question is sucralose, which is about 600 times sweeter than table sugar. The new study found that sucralose may lead to a leaky gut lining, and increase the activity of genes related to inflammation and cancer. A study from researchers at North Carolina State University suggests that a chemical formed from one artificial sweetener might also damage our DNA. The zero-calorie sweetener in question is sucralose, which is about 600 times sweeter than table sugar, The World Health Organization recently recommended against…

Depression, inequality may accelerate aging: study

A new Canadian-led study has found that feeling depressed, along with living in a disadvantaged neighborhood, may lead to premature aging. The peer-reviewed study, published on Monday in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, points to how depression and living in an urban environment – ​​with greater material and social inequities – can influence how a person ages. Led by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., the study’s authors say this may occur “even after accounting for individual-level health and behavioral risk factors, such as chronic conditions and poor health behaviors.” “This adds to…

Tina Turner health issues: Singer opened up about kidney disease 2 months before death

Two months prior to her death this week at age 83Tina Turner opened up about having put herself “in great danger” over her health. For International World Kidney Day on March 9, the music superstar warned his social media followers about the importance of keeping an eye on your kidney health, especially since the kidneys can begin to fail without pain. “Show your kidneys love! They deserve it. My kidneys are victims of my not realizing that my high blood pressure should have been treated with conventional medicine,” she wrote in an Instagram post. “I have put myself in great…

Cape Breton whales were healthy before washing ashore

HALIFAX – Animal autopsies on several pilot whales that washed ashore last weekend in Cape Breton indicated the whales were healthy, says a marine animal conservation group. Tonya Wimmer, executive director of the Marine Animal Response Society, says necropsies performed on eight of the whales suggest the animals were not following a sick member who had become disoriented and led them to shore. While the final necropsy results aren’t in yet, Wimmer says the whales potentially swam to their deaths because they weren’t paying attention to where they were going. Whales, he says, are often following food and don’t realize…

Here to help! – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Following on from our previous blog, We’re with you every step of the way!, the appetite to help and engage with RoSPA Awards Entrants extends to the whole RoSPA Health & Safety Awards team. We caught up with two more members of the RoSPA team, Julia Small and Letty Hill, to find out how they are ready and willing to lend a helping hand… Julia SmallExecutive Head of Qualifications, Awards and Events For over 15 years, Julia has had oversight of RoSPA’s robust award procedures, including the secure online entry system used by nearly 2,000 entrants, judging and verification processes…