CHAIR 2022 Leadership Award Winners – Healthcare

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TORONTO, June 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Since 2014, CHAIR, the Coalition for Community and Healthcare Acquired Infection Reduction, has recognized the leadership of an individual or organization passionate about reducing acquired infections through engineered infection prevention technologies.

This year we have the most significant number of nominations to date and are awarding four awards in two categories, Healthcare and Community, for outstanding work and leadership.

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#1 Healthcare Award
John Tcherkezian, CRSP
Occupational Health & Safety Manager
Yee Hong Center for Geriatric Care
Toronto, Ont

John Tcherkezian is the Occupational Health and Safety Manager at The Yee Hong Center for Geriatric Care. John has translated his solid education in microbiology and molecular biology and his experience in the biopharmaceutical industry into a systematic and scientific approach to safety and infection control. John tries to take the complexity out of safety and infection control measures, as he feels they are more likely to be effective and more likely to be used.

“CHAIR wants to recognize John’s passion and leadership in embracing new ideas around copper alloy engineered infection reduction materials to enhance the safety of the staff, residents, and families of Yee Hong Center for Geriatric Care.” Said Steve Reinecke, Executive Director of CHAIR.

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“I am greatly honored and humbled to be recognized by this award.” Said Mr. Tcherkezian. “Infection control in general, and in healthcare in particular, needs to be innovative and passive to reduce our reliance on harsh chemicals and manual disinfection systems. CHAIR is an excellent forum to bring these innovations and systems to the attention of regulators and organizations.”

Healthcare Award #2
Dr. Titus Wong, BSc(Pharm), MD, MHSc (Epidemiology), FRCPC
Executive Medical Director, Medical Affairs, PHSA
Medical Director, Provincial Infection Control Network, PHSA
Medical Director, IPAC and Community Health, BCCDC
Medical Director, BC/VCH PPE Testing Laboratory

Dr. Titus Wong is an Infection Prevention and Control Physician from the BC Center for Disease Control. He serves as Executive Medical Director, Medical Affairs at the Provincial Health Services Authority and Medical Director for the Provincial Infection Control Network.

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“CHAIR needs to recognize Dr. Wong’s leadership in IPAC and his leading contributions to advances in Vancouver Coastal Health copper installations, including Vancouver General Hospital, Lions Gate Hospital, and VCH Long Term Care facilities.” Said Reinecke, “Dr. Wong is passionate about infection prevention in healthcare and the community. He continues to collaborate with ministries, community and health authority partners to improve the health of British Columbians and Canadians.

“It is an honor to be recognized by CHAIR.” Said Dr. Wong, “The engineered space represents a crucial component to patient and healthcare worker safety. CHAIR’s advocacy, innovation, and leadership in this area is to the benefit of all Canadians.”

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“This is the ninth year these distinguished awards have been presented,” said Reinecke, “and these award winners truly represent CHAIR’s new Vision: “Safe Spaces, free from pathogens,” and our new Mission: “Inspire and guide research-based engineered solutions.”

About CHAIR.

CHAIR is a coalition of members working on promoting and introducing engineered solutions to reduce Community and Healthcare Infections. CHAIR was formed in 2014 with the original goal of supporting the creation of a safe healthcare environment for patients, staff, and visitors by achieving an 80% reduction in healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) by 2024. In 2022, the coalition revised its vision and mission and developed a new strategic roadmap (2022-2024). It seeks to have a more significant impact on reducing community and healthcare-acquired infections by building awareness and facilitating the application of engineered solutions (air, water, and surface).

For further information:
Steve Reinecke
[email protected]

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