Free Coaching Lesson You Can Use Instantly To Stand Out From The Crowd

You will notice a change of status in minutes! I was stunned by how fast people walked when I first visited the City of London. It was a world apart from how I grew up in the furthest of south Europe, where we would take our time to enjoy the scenery and chat with people on the street almost every time we went somewhere on foot. A fast walk is a sign of determination and is a habit of go-getters. These are people who know what they want, and they go for it without hesitation. This article will tell the…

A systems approach to the promotion of healthy lifestyles

The WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases of WHO/Europe, the Université Côte d’Azur and the Ulysseus European University, in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast and York University, are holding a 3-day summer school course on how to navigate the concept of systems thinking and systems-based approaches from theory to practice. The course will provide insights on how these approaches can facilitate consensus among different stakeholders while also providing a platform for strengthening multisectoral collaboration across complex systems. Day 1 of the summer school will be live streamed online. On that day, Hans Henri P. Kluge,…

7 Ways to Follow the Mediterranean Diet

Named one of the healthiest diets in the world for six years in a row, the Mediterranean diet is abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and healthy fats. It features fish and poultry—lean protein sources—over red meat. Red wine is consumed regularly but in moderate amounts. Research suggests that the benefits of this eating pattern are many: improved outcomes for intentional weight loss, better management of blood glucose (sugar) levels and reduced risk of cognitive decline, to name a few. The Mediterranean diet has also been associated with reduced levels of inflammation, a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes…

Promise day: 5 couples promises to lead a healthy life

Love-struck couples must be preparing to celebrate Valentine’s Day and show their affection for one another as Valentine’s Week gets underway. While this day offers the possibility to make your loved one feel special, it also brings a duty to both of you to ensure a long and healthy life for each other. Since it has been more than a month past the new year and if you haven’t been able to keep up with your new year’s resolutions, Promise Day is the ideal time to follow them up. So, make these few key couples promise for a better life,…

Stress is killing your body and brain

How long you live is determined by everything from genetics to lifestyle choices. But one factor determining life expectancy has become glaringly obvious too: the toxic stress load. “It’s been hiding in plain sight for decades,” Tamen Jadad-Garcia and Dr. Alex Jadad, author of Healthy No Matter What: How Humans Are Hardwired to Adaptwrote in a TIME article. The toxic stress load (TSL) is two-fold. It refers to the physical and mental reactions people experience after stressful events, especially longer-term ones, coupled with the “allostatic load” or physical consequences from continuous toxic stress. “The TSL is the term that describes…

How Can We Stop Overthinking?

How many evenings have seemed endless due to the constant over-analyzing we do in our minds? If you belong to the category of “overthinkers”, you understand exactly what we mean. A simple and innocent thought can very easily become inflated and end up being a torture of our psychology. Most problems are created by ourselves in the first place, due to the fact that we often allow them to creep into us, focusing on the worst case scenario and not on their solution. This is how a person who analyzes everything functions. Except that in this case even an insignificant…

Deepika Padukone Embraces Japanese Philosophies for a Happy and Healthy Life

Deepika Padukone, a well-known Bollywood actress who strongly supports mental health recognition, has demonstrated a significant interest in Japanese philosophies that promote a joyful and vigorous lifestyle. Deepika is an advocate for mental health and has bravely shared her struggles with depression. She frequently shares her insights and ideas on social media to promote awareness and support for mental health issues. Her posts provide encouragement and assistance to those who need it. Japan’s Longevity and Deepika Padukone’s Inspiration In recent posts, Deepika Padukone introduced her followers to two Japanese concepts: Ikigai and Kaizen. These philosophies have resonated with her experiences…

A healthy diet for a healthy life

SDG 2 calls for ending hunger and achieving nutrition security for all through increased access to healthy diets. Today, 3.1 billion people cannot afford a healthy diet – that is 40 percent of the global population. But what is a healthy diet and how much does it cost?     A healthy diet goes beyond just the consumption of sufficient calories. It meets the nutritional standards set by national dietary guidelines, with sufficient diversity and quantity within and between food groups to achieve nutrient adequacy and protection against diet-related diseases. To measure access and affordability of a healthy diet, the Food Prices…